Front Page: Tieto Traficom
Front Page: Tieto Traficom

Communication statistics

Transport system analysis

Situational pictures of transport system analysis

Situational pictures by mode of transport

Situational pictures by mode of transport

Situational pictures by theme


Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom’s consumer survey indicates that remote work is more prevalent than before the COVID-19 pandemic among working-age people who have the option of...


Pleasure boating accidents that resulted in death have decresed in the recent years, even though boating is becoming more popular. Regardless, accidents still happen, especially in Finland's inland...


The safety of Finnish railways remained stable in 2022. The level of passenger safety was excellent and the number of level crossing accidents was the lowest ever in the entire monitoring history o...


Smoking during a flight, verbal abuse, excessive intoxication, ignoring the instructions of the cabin crew – the unruly behaviour of air passengers has been increasing in recent years. At worst, un...