Front Page: Tieto Traficom
Front Page: Tieto Traficom

Speed of letter delivery

These statistics detail the relative speed of delivery of letters delivered by Posti Ltd. The statistics are published once a year. The statistics are produced by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.


The delivery speed of letters refers to the relative share of letters delivered to the recipient at the latest on the fourth or fifth workday after they were posted.

In accordance with the amendment to the Postal Act that took effect on 15 September 2017, a minimum of 50% of letters paid in cash must be delivered at the latest on the fourth workday and 97% on the fifth workday. Prior to the amendment, 95% of second-class letters had to be delivered on the second workday at the latest, and 98% on the third. The statistics contain data on the years following the entry into force of the amendment.