Front Page: Tieto Traficom
Front Page: Tieto Traficom

These statistics include all voice and data transmission subscriptions acquired by residential and corporate customers in Finland, including ‘mobile broadband’ subscriptions. They do not include subscriptions sold exclusively for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, which are used with smart meters, for example. The data is collected from telecommunications operators twice a year. The statistics are produced by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.

Mobile subscriptions in total include voice subscriptions, voice and data transmission subscriptions and mobile broadband subscriptions. Mobile subscriptions by data plan include voice and data transmission subscriptions and mobile broadband subscriptions


Voice-only mobile subscriptions refer to subscriber connections in the mobile network that do not include any data transmission services subject to a monthly fee and that have not been used for data transmission services in the last three months. These subscriptions are only used for telephony (calls including VoLTE/SMS/MMS)

Voice-and-data mobile subscriptions include those subscriptions in the mobile network that are intended and marketed for telephony and data transmission. These subscriptions usually include data transmission services that are subject a monthly fee, and they can be used for traditional telephony (calls, including VoLTE/SMS/MMS) subject to a subscription-specific pricing scheme.

Mobile broadband subscription refers to broadband subscription that enables access to the internet via a mobile network and is intended and marketed only for data transfer.

SIM cards are chip cards used for storing unique data on a mobile subscription customer. Subscriptions can include more than one SIM card. The number of SIM cards does not include SIM cards for ‘hybrid subscriptions’ (subscriptions that include fixed and mobile broadband).

M2M subscription refers to a subscription intended for machine-to-machine communications.

Residential customer refers to any subscription paid by a private person (personal identity code).

Corporate customer refers to any subscription paid by a company (business ID).

Definitions of communications service statistics