Front Page: Tieto Traficom
Front Page: Tieto Traficom

These statistics include all active broadband subscriptions that have been implemented via other networks than mobile networks. The data is collected from telecommunications operators twice a year. The statistics are produced by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.


Fixed broadband subscription refers to broadband access implemented with an access technology used in a fixed network, most frequently copper, optical fibre or cable modem.

Download speed means the rate at which data is transferred from the internet to the user’s device.

Copper subscription refers to a subscription in which broadband access is implemented with metallic local loops of the fixed telephone network.

FTTB subscription (Fibre to the Building) refers to a subscription in which broadband access is implemented with fibre-optic cabling that terminates at the building, before reaching the subscriber. The cabling inside the building may lower the data transfer rate.

FTTH subscription (Fibre to the Home) refers to a subscription in which broadband access is implemented with fibre-optic cabling that terminates at the subscriber’s living or working space.

Cable modem subscription refers to a subscription in which broadband access is implemented using the cable television network.

Other subscriptions contain various wireless solutions based on radio technology that are intended to be used primarily at a fixed location. They also include such housing company and real estate subscriptions that do not fit in other categories.

Residential customer refers to any subscription paid by a private person (personal identity code).

Corporate customer refers to any subscription paid by a company (business ID).

Definitions of communications service statistics