Front Page: Tieto Traficom
Front Page: Tieto Traficom

These statistics detail the number of calls made and messages sent from subscriptions using mobile and fixed telephone networks in Finland. The data is updated twice a year. The statistics are produced by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.


Calls from fixed networks include local, long-distance and international calls, calls to service numbers and freephone numbers, calls to nationwide universal access numbers (business numbers) as well as calls to mobile numbers made from fixed telephone networks.

Calls from mobile networks include calls made from Finnish mobile networks. The data does not include calls made from end user’s international subscriptions (roaming).

SMSs (text messages) include SMSs sent from Finnish mobile networks, excluding end users’ messages from an international subscription (roaming) and A2P messages sent from applications.

The average duration of calls has been calculated by dividing the number of call minutes during a six-month period by the corresponding number of calls.

Residential customer refers to any subscription paid by a private person (personal identity code).

Corporate customer refers to any subscription paid by a company (business ID).

Definitions of communications service statistics