Front Page: Tieto Traficom
Front Page: Tieto Traficom

The statistics include the results of broadband network quality measurements made by users of the service on Traficom's service from May 2023. The statistics will be updated four times a year. The information is produced by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency.

Notes about statistics

From the results on the page, it is not possible to directly compare the results of fixed and mobile network connections.

The statistic includes those measurements where the download speed measurement has been successful. In addition to the previous limitation, the statistics for measurements made in the mobile communication network with the mobile application include only those measurements where the network technology has been identified (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) and where location information has been successfully obtained. This information is not available for measurements made with the mobile application via the Wi-Fi network or the browser version of the service, but only the first mentioned condition applies to them.

The quality of a broadband connection is indicated by its download speed, upload speed and delay. Especially in everyday situations, the internet connection can be viewed as bad if the download speed is weak. In certain functions, such as the use of cloud services or online gaming, the upload speed and delay also become essential.

The subscription agreement for fixed broadband connections tells the user the minimum speed, normal speed and maximum speed. The normal speed is the one that the user can expect to receive from the connection for most of the day. The estimated maximum speed must be stated in the mobile broadband agreement, but in most cases other speeds are also stated for these connections, for example the minimum speed.

In the case of a fixed connection, the quality of the service is affected by, among other things, whether the connection is used directly by cable or via a Wi-Fi network, and what other programs or services the device used in the measurement is running at the same time. In addition to other programs and services being used on the same device at the same time, the quality of the mobile communication network connection is affected by, among other things, the distance to the base station, the natural or built obstacles between the place of use and the base station, and especially the number of other users in the same area using the same network at the same time, because the capacity of the mobile communication network is shared among all users.

Anyone can measure the quality of their own connection with Traficom's service. The statistics presented on this page are based on the crowdsourcing data produced by this service for Traficom. The figures show the results of the service by different service versions, i.e. the results of measurements made with both the browser version and the mobile application. Measurements made with the browser version can be made either on a mobile network, a fixed connection or a Wi-Fi network. Information about the network technology used is available from mobile network measurements made with the mobile application.

The table below summarizes average key figures from measurements made with different service versions.

Results from 24 May 2023 - 31 May 2024

The total number of measurements made with the service1 496 015
 Median download speed Mbit/sMedian upload speed Mbit/s                           Number of measurements
4G mobile network measurements made with the mobile application



139 827

5G mobile network measurements made with the mobile application



28 855

Wi-Fi network measurements made with a mobile application



395 073

Mobile and fixed network measurements made with a browser version



799 391

Definitions is a service for measuring the speed and quality of internet connections. The service is free of charge and open to everyone. Try out the service.

Download speed means the rate at which data is transferred from the internet to the user’s device.

Upload speed means the rate at which data is transferred from the user’s device to the internet.

Browser version means the measurement tool on the page. This version of the service can be used to measure the mobile network, Wi-Fi network and fixed broadband network with any device. Information about the connection technology used is not available for measurements made with the browser version.

Mobile application - 4G networks includes those measurements that have been made with the mobile application version of service and the network technology of the measurement was 4G network. This also counts the measurements where the 5G network has been available, but the device has optimized the use of the network and used the 4G network.

Mobile application - 5G networks includes those measurements that have been made with the mobile application version of service and the network technology of the measurement was 5G network. This includes 5G networks that use the 4G network as well as networks consisting solely of 5G network technology.

Mobile application - Wi-Fi networks includes those measurements that have been made with the mobile application version of service and the measurement was made using Wi-Fi network. The Wi-Fi network may have a fixed or mobile network connection behind it, but this cannot be determined from the measurement data. measurements made with the browser version of the service, fixed and mobile networks