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Front Page: Tieto Traficom

The situational pictures and performance metrics are part of transport system work

The building of the transport system analysis was started in 2020 with the strategic situational picture of the transport network.

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Strategic situational picture of the transport network

The strategic situational picture of the transport network is a compilation of the most notable challenges affecting the functionality of the entire transport system and the key nodes connected to it at present and in the next 12 years. The situational picture covers Finland’s entire state-owned transport infrastructure network, which consists of the rail network, road network and waterway network. Also included in the situational picture are private roads, the street network, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, public transport terminals and stations, park-and-ride car parks, ports, the airport network, border crossings and the accessibility of nodes.

Situational picture of transport services

The situational picture of transport services is an overview of the current state of transport services. It provides information about public transport services and their accessibility, ticket, fare and information services and goods transport services. The situational picture will be expanded in the future to also include information about taxi services, shared transport services, integrated mobility services and minimum passenger transport services. The situational picture includes data on e.g. the supply and demand of services, the funding of public transport and the market for transport services.

Situational picture of accessibility and mobility

Transport accessibility can be defined as the ease at which people and companies can access the services and functions that they need. Ease is defined by how quickly and affordably the desired destination can be reached. The situational picture examines accessibility from the perspectives of infrastructure quality, the coverage of transport and communications networks and the availability of functions.

Situational picture of transport safety

The situational picture of transport safety collates information on safety in road, waterborne, rail and air transport. The situational pictures examine the safety of different transport modes based on the number of accidents, occurrences and incidents, for example.

Situational picture of transport automation

Transport automation is a rapidly growing sector, with numerous transport automation use cases along with different levels and functions of automation in different modes of transport. The situational picture examines the current status of automation in road transport, waterborne transport, rail transport and unmanned aviation as well as the development outlooks and factors affecting the status. The theme of transport automation is extensive and we have tried to include important viewpoints from the point of view of the transport system in the situational picture

Situational picture of the environmental impact of transport

The situational picture of the environmental impact of transport compiles information on the factors of various modes of transport and vehicles that impact the environment. There are efforts to reduce emissions from all modes of transport by increasing the utilisation of alternative power sources instead of fossil fuels and favouring public transport, walking and cycling. The situational picture is used to examine the environmental impact of transport through alternative power sources, emissions and register data, for example. The situational picture will be supplemented during 2023.

Performance metrics of the National Transport System Plan

The measurement of the progress towards achieving the objectives of the National Transport System Plan (Liikenne 12) is part of transport system analysis. This measurement is carried out using the performance metrics of the National Transport System Plan, which consist of key performance indicators depicting the status of the transport system.

Situational picture of the operating environment

The situational picture of the operating environment provides information on changes in the operating environment that have notable impacts on Finland’s transport system. The operating environment is analysed from four perspectives: the transport system as part of Finland’s regional and community structure, the international accessibility of Finland, the environmental sustainability of the transport system and the development of transport services. The situational picture presents key change factors related to the four aforementioned areas and identifies the baseline for development, meaning the path that the development of the operating environment would follow if current decisions were to remain unchanged and current development trends were to remain unaffected by other forces of change. In addition to this, the situational picture provides information on identified new development paths and projects that may cause development to diverge from the baseline. The analysis of the situational picture is based on publicly available data.

Situational picture of MAL regions

The situational picture of MAL regions provides key information about the mobility services, networks and indicators of the largest urban regions in Finland, i.e. so-called MAL regions. The situational picture provides information on the supply and demand of public transport services, new mobility services, traffic safety, infrastructure development needs, the modal split of transport services, satisfaction in the transport system, accessibility and transport forecasts, among other things.

Global political situation and its impacts on the transport system

This review of recent developments in transport system analysis examines the key impacts that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had on the Finnish transport system.
