Front Page: Tieto Traficom
Front Page: Tieto Traficom

European audiovisual programmes and programmes by independent producers

The broadcast of European works and TV programmes by European independent producers are examined by operator and TV channel and in relation to requirements imposed by legislation. European works are also examined by on-demand-service and compared to the requirements imposed by legislation. The data are collected from television operators and on-demand-service providers and updated every other year. The information is produced by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. The information on this page is only available in Finnish for the time being.

According to the Act on Electronic Communications Services, broadcasters must reserve a major share of their broadcasting time for European works and 19 per cent of their broadcasting time for programmes produced by independent European producers. Half of the programmes included in the said share of the independent producers have to have been produced within the past five years. The broadcasting time does not include time reserved for news, sports events, competitive entertainment programmes, advertising, teletext services or teleshopping. To meet the requirement for programmes produced by independent European producers, television broadcasters may alternatively reserve for them 19 per cent of their programming budget.

Traficom collects data from television broadcasters on the volumes of production and reports them to the European Commission every second year.

European production

Independent European production


Television broadcasting means the authentic and simultaneous transmission of programmes consisting of audiovisual programmes to the audience on the basis of a programme schedule.

Programme means a pre-selected composition of audiovisual or radio programmes.

An independent producer means a producer of audiovisual programmes, of whose share capital an individual audiovisual content service provider controls at most 25 per cent or several providers at most 50 per cent, and who, during the past three years, has produced no more than 90 per cent of its programmes for the same provider.

What is considered European production is defined separately in the Government Decree on audiovisual services (1245/2014)*.

* A link to the decree can be found below under “Enquiries and other information sources”.